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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2021-02-09
From: EIU
To: Various Recipients

Subject: Base salary increse for non-negotiated employees

Dear Colleagues,

I have a brief message to share with the campus community.

As a result of careful budgetary planning at the institutional level, along with enrollment growth and a stable State appropriation - EIU is in the position for FY 21 to provide a one percent increase to base salary for our non-negotiated employees, who have had no other increase in their pay since March 1, 2020. The resulting increase will be retroactive back to July 1, 2020.

The increase will apply to all active full-time employees, as of this announcement, who were employed at EIU before March 1, 2020 and whose compensation is not negotiated or otherwise predetermined by the State of Illinois’ prevailing wage standards. For those groups, negotiations and/or prevailing wage standards drive any compensatory or market adjustments. The increase and the retroactive wages should be paid on or before the March 31, 2021 paychecks.

I want to take a moment to thank all of you personally for your dedication, hard work and loyalty. Each of you has exhibited a remarkable passion for this incredible institution, devoting immense thought, time, and effort toward ensuring EIU’s continued strength. Your ALL-IN commitment—to both our students and to the university’s broader mission—remains integral in helping EIU achieve even greater success in the future.

With deep appreciation for all you do,

David Glassman