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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2019-05-20
From: EIU
To: Various Recipients

Subject: Attention Banner Users!

Due to the AppNav upgrade we performed yesterday, some of you may be experiencing issues with logging in or navigating Banner. A simple resolution would be to use a force refresh (control + f5). If you still continue to have issues, please contact our dba’s at We will look for a resolution to resolve this issue in future upgrades.

Another feature you will see is that your tool bar is now located on the left side of the screen instead of along the top. This is a new with the AppNav upgrade release. The functionality is the same, however, the buttons may look different. If you hover over the buttons, they will explain their function.

Of course, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you!

Rhonda E. Nichols, MBA, MST
Associate Director IT
Eastern Illinois University
5054 Student Services Building
Charleston, IL 61920