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EIU Entrepreneurship Minor

Internship Opportunities

EIU students welcome the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in the community while earning college credit. Internship structures vary, with some providing compensation. Oftentimes, financial assistance in the form of matching funds is available to defray these costs. Internship programs normally coincide with academic semesters, beginning in mid-January, May and August. 



The internship coordinator for the School of Business is available to talk to students about the School of Business Internship Program and about an internship search.  Appointments are not usually necessary, but are accepted. If you would like to make an appointment, call 581-3528.
Ms. Renee Stroud
School of Business Internship Coordinator
Student Center for Academic and Professional Development 
School of Business Internship weblink
Lumpkin Hall 2051 
Phone:  217-581-2623

For internship opportunities in other colleges at Eastern Illinois University, contact:

Career Services
Phone: 217-581-2412

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Contact Information

Dr. Marko Grünhagen, Lumpkin Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship & Professor of Marketing

Eastern Illinois University
School of Business
4002 Lumpkin Hall
Charleston, IL 61920

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