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EIU Master of Science in Sustainability

Master of Science in Sustainability and Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The EIU Master of Science Dual Degree Program offers graduate students an opportunity to obtain degrees in both the Master of Science in Sustainability and Master of Business Administration (MBA) concurrently.

This dual degree program provides students the opportunity to obtain degrees in both the Master of Business Administration (Applied Management Option) and Master of Science in Sustainability. This allows candidates to develop advanced knowledge and skills in leadership, management, and business functions and that complement that expertise with leadership and management skills in the energy industry. 

The Dual Degree program enables students to obtain two graduate degrees at the same time which creates more marketable resume.

Course Matrix Dual Degree MBA and MS in Sustainability


Admission Requirements

To be eligible for degree candidacy in both programs, applicants must meet all of the requirements for admission to the Graduate School. Refer to Admission to Degree and Certificate Programs.

  • Admission to the Master of Business Administration: In addition to the published university graduate degree status requirements, applicants must meet all of the requirements for the Master of Business Administration established by the School of Business as outlined in the current Graduate Catalog.
  • Admission the Master of Science in Sustainability: In addition to the published university graduate degree status requirements, applicant must meet all of the admission requirements for the Master of Science in Sustainability established by the Center for clean Energy Research and Education (CENCERE) as outlined in the current Graduate Catalog.

Degree Audit

The graduate plan of study is the EIU Degree Audit, which is generated automatically in the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) at the time of degree or certificate candidacy. Modifications of the standard EIU Degree Audit are submitted by the graduate coordinator to the certification officer in the Graduate School at the time modifications are approved. The Degree Audit serves as an unofficial summary of requirements for the program. Degree and certificate candidates are advised to review the comprehensive summary of the Degree Audit process specified on the “Requirements for All Degree and Certificate Candidates” section of the Graduate Catalog. Individual programs may require candidates to submit plans of study in addition to the Degree Audit; candidates should consult with the program Coordinator.

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Contact Information

Dr. Nichole Hugo
Associate Professor &
Graduate Coordinator of Sustainability

600 Lincoln Ave,
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-8595

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