We're excited about your interest in our program, so make sure you explore the whole site. We especially encourage you to learn more about the programs, check out the Top Ten Reasons to come to EIU and apply to the MS in Nutrition and Dietetics program!
"After graduating from both of EIU’s dietetics program, I now work in regulatory affairs at a large food company ensuring nutrition beverage products are compliant with state and federal food regulations. EIU’s Dietetic programs gave me the skills and confidence to pursue a career in almost any area of the nutrition and dietetics field. EIU has a lot of awesome professors and opportunities so make sure to take advantage of everything available to you!”
Anna Scroggins (2010, 2014)"EIU prepared me for being a dietitian by placing me in real life situations where a nutrition intervention needs to take place. Whether it was in an outpatient education, or product creation, or performing a clinical assessment scenario, I got to do it all. I had wonderful opportunities that EIU provided that allowed me to be exposed to new information, and ultimately be a successful clinical dietitian."
Grace Campbell (2016)"My educational experience at EIU for both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees is what I credit for my ability to be able to be successful in more than one sector of healthcare. I not only gained the clinical skills needed to provide excellent nutritional care to patients, but I also gained knowledge that has helped me be successful with so many other areas as well. These skills gained from professors who take personal pride in the success of their students, have opened doors for me that otherwise would not have been opened. By providing a well-rounded curriculum and challenging students to be better than they thought they could be, a strong work ethic and confidence in my ability were achieved.”
Laura Wise Collins (2001, 2003)"I found my path to school nutrition in 2004 as a food service director in Breckenridge, CO where I discovered a passion for the complexity of Federal child nutrition programs and the importance of fueling the minds of the next generation. My degrees at EIU strengthened necessary skills to effectively evaluate programs and assist with targeting inefficiencies."
Lyza Brackett Shaw (1998, 1999)"I had the wonderful opportunity to attend EIU for both my undergraduate and graduate degrees. The professors there challenged me to become more confident and well rounded as they prepared me for a future in dietetics. During graduate school and my internship I was exposed to real world scenarios and took part in quality community, food service and clinical rotations. These experiences helped solidify my decision to work in the clinical arena and the knowledge I gained ensured I would be a more than competent Registered Dietitian.”
Corey Colson (2013, 2015)600 Lincoln Avenue
4307 Klehm Hall
Charleston, IL 61920-3099
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6090