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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#72 - Grant-in-Aid Awards

Approved: October 23, 2003

Monitor: President

This policy governs the Grant-in-Aid Award Program, a program funded through the Grant-in-Aid Fee.

The categories of grant-in-aid awards available to students in the program shall be limited to tuition and service fees and variable flat grants for room and board.

Room and board grants may be awarded in these amounts:

  1. An amount equal to full room and board charges as established for the University residence halls.
  2. An amount equal to one-half room and board charges as established for the University residence halls.
  3. Any amount in multiples of $100 provided it is less than the full room and board charges established for the University residence halls.
  4. In Athletics only, any amount up to the cost of full tuition, fees, and room and board charges if the Office of Financial Aid has determined that the specific amount is the maximum permissible to comply with NCAA regulations.
  5. An amount equal to fixed mandatory fees charged in conjunction with courses listed in the University catalog. Variable amounts may be awarded for mandatory fees for students in the I.S.A.C. Monetary Award Program.

Participating Departments and Areas

The following departments and areas have been approved for participation in Grant-in-Aid Awards:

Academic Achievement

Art: Displays, shows, and exhibits

Athletics: Varsity sports

Honors Program

Journalism: Eastern NewsWarblerVehicle

Music: Performing organizations in music

Socio-Economic Disadvantaged

Speech: Forensics and Radio-TV

Student Leadership: Student government and activities (University Board, Residence Hall Government, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, etc.)

Theatre Arts

Distribution of Awards

Budgets are established annually by the President's Council.

If a student has been nominated and certified as a recipient of a Grant-in-Aid Award, the following conditions must be met in order to receive and retain the award during the specified period:

  1. Be accepted as a student at Eastern Illinois University and complete registration.
  2. Be a full-time student unless written permission for part-time status is provided to the Registration Office by the appropriate department chair or adviser.
  3. Meet other reasonable conditions which shall be stated on the award document or included in a written communication to the recipient at the time of the initial award.

Applications and Nominations for Awards

Applications and nominations for awards shall be made at times and dates and in the manner prescribed by the University. Those university groups included in the program shall certify that all applicants and nominees are fully qualified for the awards under the rules and regulations of the University and any other pertinent regulatory body.

The head of the department or area participating in the Grant-in-Aid, or a designee, shall be solely responsible for determining that nominees meet the criteria for the award.

Certification of Awards

All awards and renewal of awards shall be reviewed and certified for approval by the Office of Financial Aid. The Office of Financial Aid shall determine that the nomination is consistent with the Grant-in-Aid Award budget of the appropriate department.

All notifications of awards and renewal of awards shall be made by the Office of Financial Aid, in writing, and shall include the amount, the duration and the conditions of the award. In Athletics, all renewal (or non-renewal) of awards shall be made on or before July 1 prior to the academic year it is to be effective.

Termination, Non-Renewal, or Gradation of Awards

Awards shall be voided automatically when the recipient:

  1. withdraws from the University;
  2. fails to re-enroll for a term within the dates of the award;
  3. becomes academically ineligible under requirements established by appropriate national, regional, state, or institutional requirements;
  4. relinquishes the award, in writing;
  5. acts contrary to the specific conditions of the award which were outlined at the time of the initial award;
  6. states the intent not to participate in the talent activity before reporting for that activity or after a token appearance upon the first day of the activity;
  7. makes fraudulent misrepresentation on any application;
  8. engages in serious misconduct which warrants substantial disciplinary penalty by appropriate University authorities; or
  9. for student-athletes, as additionally provided by the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) rules.

Procedure for Termination and Appeal

  1. When a supervisor believes just cause exists, a recommendation of termination or non-renewal shall be submitted to the department head. The student shall be notified, in writing, of the recommendation and procedures to be followed in appealing the recommendation. In the case of Athletics, this recommendation must be made prior to July 1. Student-athletes wishing to appeal must contact the Director of Financial Aid for a hearing with the Financial Grants Committee. (Student-athletes go directly to Procedure 5.)
  2. Within five working days of receipt of the recommendation, the department head shall confer with both the supervisor and the student, and shall either deny or concur in the recommendation. The student may have one advisor present at the conference. The advisor may advise the student but may not enter directly into the deliberations.
  3. If the department head denies the recommendation, the supervisor and the student shall be notified, in writing, of the decision within three working days.
  4. If the department head concurs, the recommendation for termination or nonrenewal along with all pertinent material shall be forwarded to the Financial Grants Committee for consideration. Within three working days the department head shall inform the supervisor and the student of the decision to forward the recommendation to the Financial Grants Committee and of the student's right to appear before the Financial Grants Committee, with copies of the written notice to be sent to the appropriate vice president and the Vice President for Student Affairs.
  5. The Financial Grants Committee, shall consider the recommendation within five working days of receipt of the recommendation. The Committee shall determine if the recommendation to terminate the award is justified within (1) the existing regulations of the University, (2) the regulations of any pertinent regulatory bodies, and (3) other evidence.
  6. If the student does not request an appearance before the Committee, the Committee may (1) act on the basis of the written recommendation, (2) request that the appropriate supervisors and the department head discuss the recommendation, or (3) request that all parties to the recommendation, including the student concerned, be invited to appear before the Committee.
  7. If the student requests an appearance before the Committee, the supervisor and the department head shall be requested to attend. The student shall have the right to appear before the Committee in the company of one other person of his/her choice, who shall not be permitted to participate in the proceedings before the Committee. Other persons permitted to attend shall be limited in number and shall be present only upon invitation of the Chair of the Committee.
  8. The decision of the Financial Grants Committee shall be made with only members of the committee present. The decision shall be final and shall be made within three working days after the committee has met to consider the recommendation.
  9. Within three working days, the Office of Financial Aids shall notify the student of the Financial Grants Committee decision by certified mail, return receipt requested, hand delivery, or by overnight delivery service, with copies of the notice sent to the supervisor, department head, appropriate vice president and the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Policy Infractions

The Director of Financial Aid shall consider any alleged or apparent abuses of the program. If there is reasonable cause to believe that abuses have occurred, the matter shall be brought to the attention of the President of the University by the Chair of the Financial Grants Committee for possible review and recommendation. 

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