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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#63.1 - Self-Injurious Students

Approved: February 20, 2012

Monitor: Vice President for Student Affairs

When the Vice President for Student Affairs (VPSA) (or designee) receives information that a student has threatened, attempted, or engaged in actual self-injurious or suicidal behavior, a student may be required by the VPSA (or designee) to meet with the Director of Student Standards (or designee) and the Director of the Counseling Center (or designee). Unless otherwise specified by the VPSA (or designee), the meeting must occur within 24 hours of notification to the student of this requirement. The primary purposes of the meeting are: (1) to insure that the student is receiving appropriate psychological and/or medical treatment and can safely remain on campus, and (2) for the student to complete authorizations to release information allowing appropriate University personnel to openly communicate with treatment providers, one another, and, if appropriate, with the student's parent(s) or identified significant other(s). Continued enrollment may be conditional upon the student’s adherence to treatment and behavioral guidelines determined by the University. Failure to attend this meeting and provide the authorizations to release information may result in consequences including, but not limited to, interim suspension and/or a hold being placed on the student’s records.

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