#48.5 - Responsible Conduct of Research
Approved: March 21, 2016
Monitor: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Eastern Illinois University intends to create an institutional climate that favors responsible conduct of research (RCR). To this end, Eastern has created the specific policies described in the document: “Training for Responsible Conduct of Research.” This document is the authoritative statement of Eastern’s policy of promoting RCR.
Training for Responsible Conduct of Research
RCR training is required of any EIU faculty member or staff member who applies for federal funding of a research project.
- The requirement applies to anyone who is included as a PI, co-PI, or other senior personnel as described in the proposal.
- The requirement applies whether the funding will come to EIU directly from a federal agency or as flow-through money from another entity.
- The training must be completed before the application is submitted to the funding agency.
- The training consists of an on-line program that is available via a link on the website of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
- Changes to this policy document may be instituted by the Dean of the Graduate School or the Provost, provided they are documented with a memo.