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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#20 - Programs for Professional Enrichment

Approved: March 29, 1989

Monitor: President

The University has established Programs for Professional Enrichment to provide career development and enrichment programs to encourage and support faculty and staff development. The Programs are administered through the Office of the President and have two independent programs, an Internal Program and an External Program.

External Program

Each year, subject to the availability of funds, the University may sponsor nominations of employees for external internships, e.g., Bryn Mawr Summer Institute for Women in Higher Education Administration or American Council on Education Fellows Program.

The application and selection process shall be independent from that of the Internal Program. A screening committee, composed of the vice presidents, the Faculty Senate Chair and the Director of the Program, shall review applications. On recommendation of the screening committee and the Director, the President shall approve individuals for participation in the External Training Program.

Internal Program

The Internal Program is an on-campus, three-phase program offering career development workshops, seminars in higher education administration and administrative internships.

An application and selection process shall be used to select participants for each phase of the Internal Program. The Program Director and the Coordinating Committee shall serve as the screening committee. On recommendation of the Program Director, the President shall approve individuals for admission.

Only those individuals completing the Career Development Workshops shall be eligible to participate in the Seminar Series and only those individuals completing the Seminar Series may apply for an Administrative Internship.

The Internal Program staff shall consist of a Director and a Coordinating Committee. Committee members are appointed by the President.

The Director shall have administrative responsibility for the overall program. The Coordinating Committee shall work with the Director in developing curricula, application and selection procedures, and the evaluation criteria and procedures for the various phases of the program. In addition, they shall recommend individuals to serve as speakers and seminar leaders. The Coordinating Committee shall identify potential intern placement sites and serve as liaison between the internship supervisors and the interns in the Administrative Internship Phase.

  1. Career Development Phase

    The Career Development Phase provides career development assistance and information to individuals. It is a fifteen to twenty hour program in which participants attend a series of workshops designed to evaluate career goals and objectives. Workshop topics include: (1) self-assessment of skills, training, experience and values; (2) analysis of options in higher education and other settings; (3) career mapping and goal setting; and (4) career advancement strategies.

    This phase is conducted as a series of weekly meetings or as weekend workshops. Participants shall be expected to attend all meetings and complete readings and other assignments.

    Participants completing the Career Development Phase who are interested in higher education administration shall be invited to participate in the Seminars in Higher Education Administration Phase.

    Additional career advisement may be provided to individuals who have completed the Career Development Phase.
  2. Seminars in Higher Education Administration Phase

    Participants who have completed the Career Development Phase shall be invited to attend the Seminars in Higher Education Administration Phase. The Seminar phase is designed to increase knowledge of various aspects of higher education administration. This semester-long series of seminars will cover such topics as: (1) issues and trends in higher education; (2) management and leadership; (3) organizational development and structure; (4) financial management; (5) human resources (6) student services; (7) institutional development; and (8) accountability in higher education. The seminars are conducted by individuals from a diversity of institutions to give participants a broad exposure to higher education administration.

    Participants completing this phase shall be eligible to apply for an administrative internship.
  3. Administrative Internship Phase

    Participants completing the Seminars Phase may develop a proposal for an administrative internship. These internships are available on a competitive basis. Internships shall normally be limited to one semester during which time interns may receive partial released time.

    The Director shall facilitate the placement of interns and work closely with internship supervisors to evaluate and monitor the progress of interns.

Program Evaluation

Program evaluation is an integral part of the Programs for Professional Enrichment and shall occur on an ongoing basis. The Director shall be responsible for the design, development, and implementation of the evaluation process. 

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