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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#186 - Student Affairs Professional Affiliates

Approved: November 6, 1991

Monitor: Vice President for Student Affairs

Eastern Illinois University relies on the contribution of campus ministers and other support agencies to augment the institution's student services staff. Although not employed by the university, such professional affiliates serve a vital function in the accomplishment of the University's mission of providing student development services to the campus. In recognition of the contribution that such professional affiliates make to the University, the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee may choose to recognize their service by voluntarily providing to them certain benefits under the following conditions:

  1. Such benefits are solely in recognition of service to the University community, and do not establish or imply a contractual or employee relationship with the University.
  2. Such recognition will be extended on a year-by-year basis, and will be considered voluntary on the part of both the University and the professional affiliate, either of which may choose to sever the relationship at any time.
  3. Eligibility for professional affiliate recognition will normally be limited to members of the Association of Campus Ministers, and to non-student supervisory staff members of the Sexual Assault Counseling and Information Service.

Recognition of professional affiliate status will normally be limited to:

  1. Issuance of a University identification card.
  2. Use of Booth Library on the same basis as faculty and staff.
  3. Use of University recreational facilities on payment of the same fees as faculty and staff.
  4. Eligibility for faculty/staff parking permit upon payment of appropriate fees.
  5. Access to University support services appropriate to their mission, such as use of campus facilities, use of the print center, and establishment of an agency account.
  6. Inclusion in student affairs committees, staff meetings, and distribution of information, where appropriate and upon invitation of the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee.

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