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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#148 - Naming

Approved: February 17, 2021

Monitor: President

Naming of Campus Facilities (Buildings, classrooms, lecture halls, and labs)

Board of Trustees, Article VI.C. controls naming of property and directs the university to develop a policy and for the President to make naming recommendations to the Board.

The President retains the authority to periodically review campus facility names and take whatever action he/she/they deem appropriate based on the Board's regulations.

Any member of the University community may recommend the naming or renaming of a campus facility to the President.

In support of reviewing proposals, the President has created the University Naming Committee to review proposals brought to the President. The University Naming Committee will review all proposals for naming which are assigned for their review by the President. The committee will use the following guidelines when making a recommendation to name or rename a facility to the President:

  1. Personal, place, or functional names may be recommended for facilities.
  2. The recommended name shall be logical in terms of the function of the facility.
  3. The recommended name shall have some significance to and meaning for constituencies served by the facility and/or significance to and meaning for the University as a whole.
  4. The recommended name shall be consistent with the guidelines provided in the Board of Trustees Regulations cited above.
  5. There shall be a relationship between the magnitude of the contribution of that person to the University and the facility--i.e., major building names should be reserved for those individuals who have made major contributions to the advancement and welfare of the institution.
  6. At least two years shall pass after the employee's termination of regular employment, retirement, or death before consideration is given to naming a facility for that individual.

The Naming Committee

The University Naming Committee will be composed of the following individuals, each to serve one year:

Chair (or designee) of Faculty Senate

Chair (or designee) of CAA

Chair (or designee) of Staff Senate

Chair (or designee) of Student Senate

Chair (or designee) of Council of Chairs

Two Presidential Appointees

President's Recommendation to the Board of Trustees

The President retains the ability to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees without going through the University Naming Committee. The President has the ability to accept, reject or modify any recommendation made by the University Naming Committee.

The President shall make recommendations to the Board regarding the naming of property for individuals.

The Board shall approve the naming of all University facilities. "University facilities" include buildings, major portions of buildings, rooms or areas within buildings, campus streets, grounds, and campus areas.

Other Naming Opportunities

The President shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding guidelines and gift amounts for the purpose of donor recognition for other naming opportunities, including but not limited to, the naming of academic positions, endowments, equipment, and athletic programs.

The President (or designee) has the sole authority to approve these "other" naming opportunities not associated with the facilities of the University and will inform the Board of Trustees of naming designations in a timely manner.

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