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EIU Office of Internal Auditing

#127.1 - Past Due Student Account and Financial Holds

Approved: June 24, 2024

Monitor: Vice President for Business Affairs

If a student or former student has a past due balance of $1,000 or more, a financial hold prohibiting future registration will be placed on their account.

Additionally, finance charges of 1% of the outstanding balance will accrue on the unpaid balance.  Finance charges will continue for up to twelve (12) months after the end of the final semester of enrollment.  At the time finance charges stop, the student’s past due balance will be referred to a collection agency unless the student is actively working with the Bursar’s Office to settle or remit payment for the amount owed.

The University’s collection activities include:

a.    Internal collection efforts to obtain a resolution on the balance owed.  An email or letter is sent to the student each month if the balance remains unpaid.  This document explains the  actions to be taken and the timeframe in which this action needs to be done. Internal collection will be attempted for 12 months after the student’s last semester of enrollment.

b.    Filing a claim with Illinois Comptroller State Offset against any monies due the student from the State of Illinois, in compliance with Section 10.05 of the State Comptroller Act (15 ILCS 405/10.05).  Procedures for internal and State Offset are more fully described in Internal Governing Policy #127.

c.     If internal collection efforts fail, the University will refer the student’s delinquent account to an external collection agency.

Student accounts actively placed with a collection agency must be paid in full, including any collection fees, before a financial hold will be lifted.

Students who choose to re-enroll should contact the Student Accounts office for an exception.

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