Humanities and Fine Arts
(9 Semester Hours)
The student must successfully
complete at least one course from humanities and one from fine arts; courses
must represent at least two different disciplines.
Africana Studies
- ENG 2009G,
Literature and Human Values, 1, 2, 3, 4. (3-0-3)
- ENG 2011G, Literature, the Self and the World. (3-0-3)
- ENG 2091G, Literature, the Self and the World, Honors.
- ENG 2099G, Literature and Human Values, Honors.
- *ENG 3009G, Myth and Culture. (3-0-3)
- ENG 3010G,
Literary Masterworks. (3-0-3)
- ENG 3090G, Literary Masterworks, Honors. (3-0-3)
- *ENG 3099G, Myth and Culture,
Honors. (3-0-3)
- *ENG/PHI 3100G, Cultural Foundations I. (3-0-3)
- *ENG/PHI 3110G, Cultural Foundations II. (3-0-3)
Foreign Language
- *HIS 1500G, Roots of the Modern World: Society and
Religion. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1521G,
World History: Human Rights in
History. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1522G,
World History: Slavery and
Freedom. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1523G,
World History: From Monarchies
to Mass Democracies. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1524G,
World History: The Age of Sail. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1525G,
World History: Empires in Global History. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1526G,
World History: The Twentieth-Century World. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1590G, Roots of the Modern World: Society and
Religion, Honors. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1593G, World
History: From Monarchies to
Mass Democracies, Honors. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1594G,
World History: The Age of Sail, Honors. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1595G,
World History: Empires in
Global History, Honors. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1596G,
World History: The Twentieth-Century World,
Honors. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1597G,
World History: Human Rights in
History, Honors. (3-0-3)
- *HIS 1598G,
World History: Slavery and Freedom, Honors. (3-0-3)
- HIS 2010G, History of the United States to 1877.
- HIS 2020G, History of the United States Since 1877. (3-0-3)
- HIS 2090G, History of the United States to 1877,
Honors. (3-0-3)
- HIS 2091G, History of the United States Since 1877,
Honors. (3-0-3)
Interdisciplinary Courses
Medieval Studies
- PHI 1000G, God,
Freedom, Knowledge and Values: An Introduction to Philosophical Questions.
- PHI 1090G, God, Freedom, Knowledge and Values: An
Introduction to Philosophical Questions, Honors. (3-0-3)
- PHI 1900G, Logical and Critical Thinking. (3-0-3)
- PHI 1990G, Logical and Critical Thinking, Honors.
- *PHI/ENG 3100G,
Cultural Foundations I. (3-0-3)
- *PHI/ENG 3110G,
Cultural Foundations II. (3-0-3)
Religious Studies
Fine Arts
- *ART 2012G, Asian Art.
- ART 2310G, Introduction to Art.
- ART 2330G, Art Appreciation. (3-0-3)
- ART 2601G, Art in the Pre-Modern Era. (3-0-3)
- ART 2602G, Art in the Modern Era.
- ART 2691G, Art in the Pre-Modern Era, Honors. (3-0-3)
- ART 2692G, Art
in the Modern Era, Honors. (3-0-3)
- *ART 3340G,
Multicultural Aesthetics. (1-4-3)
- *ART 3610G,
African Art. (3-0-3)
- *ART 3611G, Art in India and Southeast Asia. (3-0-3)
- *ART 3612G, Art in China and Japan.
Film Studies
Kinesiology & Sports
- MUS 2555G, Interacting with Music. (3-0-3)
- MUS 2557G, The Evolution of Jazz and Rock. (3-0-3)
- MUS 2558G, Film
Music: Exploring the Evolution of Music in Film. (3-0-3)
- MUS 3550G, Survey of American Music. (3-0-3)
- MUS 3553G, Survey of Music Masterworks. (3-0-3)
- *MUS 3562G, Non-Western Music. (3-0-3)
- *MUS 3592G, Non-Western Music, Honors. (3-0-3)
- MUS 3593G, Survey of Music Masterworks, Honors.
Theatre Arts
- THA 2010G, Arts Omnibus. (2-2-3)
- *THA 2140G, Introduction
to Theatre. (3-0-3)
- *THA 2190G,
Introduction to Theatre, Honors. (3-0-3)
- *THA 3751G,
Origins of European Theatre. (3-0-3)
- *THA 3752G,
European and U.S. Theatre from 1660 to the Present Day. (3-0-3)
- *THA 3754G,
Theatre and Film. (3-2-3)
- *THA 3755G,
African-American Theatre: Historical and Contemporary. (3-0-3)
- *THA 3757G,
Contemporary World Theatre. (3-0-3)
- *THA 3758G,
Topics in World Theatre History. (3-0-3)
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