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EIU Master of Science in Aging Studies



HSL 5400 – Aging Policy in Action

This course will examine the historical development, current application, and future trends of public policy as they relate to the well-being of aging individuals.  Policy processes at the state and national levels will be holistically explored and analyzed so that strengths and weaknesses of current age-related policies and proposals for change can be critically evaluated.

CMN 5155 – Communication and Aging

This course offers a survey of the research in key areas related to aging and communication. It introduces students to the central theories of communication and aging as well as approaches to studying intergenerational communication. Communication’s influence on societal attitudes about age groups and intergenerational communication, and the impact of communication on issues of (in)dependence, health and wellbeing, healthcare issues, close personal relationships, decision-making, and other communicative contexts related to aging will be examined.

HSL 5100 – Societal Theories of Aging

Review of current social gerontological theories and research; consideration of structural aspects of the social order as related to the aging process.

PUBH 4890 – Health and Aging

This course is designed to examine common health changes, issues and concerns as they pertain to the aging individual. 

HSL 5900 – Research Methods

Research techniques in writing, interpreting, and evaluating research.

EDF 5590 – Educational Response to Third Age Learning

This course will examine, from an education/learning perspective, adult education with a focus on the third age student (55+). Principles of adult learning and educational practices will be discussed along with organizations/individuals providing third age learners education activities.

KSR 5225 – Physical Activity and Aging

This course includes information on theories of physical aging, functional changes in humans with aging, and effects of both short term and chronic physical activity upon aging systems. Indications and contraindications of activity for older persons are discussed.

PSY 5540 – Psychological Processes in the Aged

An in-depth study of age-related changes, in the elderly, in such psychological processes as learning, memory, sensation, perception, intelligence, adjustment, and personality.

As part of the Master’s Degree Program, all students will enroll in one of the following:

HSL 5992 – Independent Study

To offer opportunity and challenge for a student to pursue needed study in the area in which appropriate courses are not being currently offered.


HSL 5985- Aging Studies Internship

 An individualized planned work experience in an agency or institution appropriate to the student's area of specialization.


HSL 5950- Thesis

Individual direction of research thesis writing.


Elective Courses

Select 6 credit hours

*Other courses as approved by academic advisor. Some elective courses require prerequisites or permission of the instructor.



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Contact Information

Dr. Kathleen O'Rourke, Graduate Coordinator
MS in Aging Studies

Eastern Illinois University
1044 Klehm Hall
Charleston, IL 61920

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