
Submissions are accepted via Submittable. Please read the guidelines first. You’ll find a link to our Submittable manager at the end of these guidelines.

The Vehicle is the student run literary journal of Eastern Illinois University. We publish an online issue each fall and spring as well as an annual print issue during the spring of each year.

We welcome submissions from both emerging and established writers and are interested in fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, short plays, as well as artwork. Please submit no more than 4,000 words of prose or 6 poems at one time and wait for a response from the editors before submitting more work.

Simultaneous submissions are warmly encouraged but please withdraw your submission via the submission manager as quickly as possible should your work be accepted elsewhere. If you are withdrawing only part of a submission, e-mail

Although we only read submissions from September 1 to November 15 and January 15 to April 15 each year, we accept submissions year-round.

Please do not query about the status of your submission before four months have passed.