Scientific Awareness
(7 Semester Hours)
The requirement is at least one
course in the biological sciences and one in the physical sciences. At least
one of the courses must be a laboratory course.
Biological Sciences
- BIO 1001G, Biological Principles and Issues. (2-2-3)
1002G, Practical Botany. (2-2-3)
- BIO 1003G, Life of Animals. (2-2-3)
- BIO 1004G, Practical Microbiology. (2-2-3)
- BIO 1091G, Biological Principles and Issues, Honors. (2-2-3)
- BIO 1092G, Practical Botany, Honors. (2-2-3)
- BIO 1093G, Life of Animals, Honors. (2-2-3)
- BIO 1094G, Practical Microbiology, Honors. (1-4-3)
- BIO 1550G,
General Biology II. (3-3-4)
- BIO 2001G, Human Physiology. (3-2-4)
- BIO 2002G (3002G) Environmental Life Sciences. (3-0-3)
- BIO 2003G (3001G) Heredity and Society. (3-0-3)
- BIO 2091G, Human Physiology, Honors. (3-2-4)
- BIO 2092G (3092G), Environmental Life Sciences,
Honors. (4-0-4)
- BIO 2093G (3091G), Heredity and Society, Honors.
- BIO 3003G, An Introduction to Evolution. (3-0-3)
- BIO 3155G,
Introduction to Evolutionary Medicine. (3-0-3)
- BIO 3333G,
Sustainable Energy and the Environment. (3-0-3)
- BIO 3888G,
Subtropical and Marine Ecology. (Arr.-Arr.-4)
Physical Sciences
Applied Engineering &
Earth Science
- PHY 1010G,
Sustainable Energy. (3-0-3)
- PHY 1051G,
Physics of the Modern World. (3-0-3)
- PHY 1052G,
Adventures in Physics. (3-0-3)
- PHY 1053G, Adventures
in Physics Laboratory. (0-2-1)
- PHY 1055G, Princples of Astronomy. (3-0-3)
- PHY 1056G, Principles of Astronomy Laboratory. (0-2-1)
- PHY 1095G, Principles of Astronomy, Honors. (3-0-3)
- PHY 1096G, Principles of Astronomy Laboratory, Honors.
- PHY 1151G, Principles of Physics I. (3-0-3)
- PHY 1152G, Priciples of
Physics I Laboratory. (0-2-1)
- PHY 1351G, General Physics I. (3-0-3)
- PHY 1352G, General Physics I Laboratory. (0-3-1)
- PHY 1391G, General Physics I, Honors. (3-0-3)
- PHY 1392G, General Physics I Laboratory, Honors.
- PHY 3050G, Excursions in Physics. (3-0-3)
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