Dr. Yordan S. Yordanov
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Dr. Yordan S. Yordanov

Professor Office: 2023 - Life Sciences
Phone: 217-581-6384
Email: ysyordanov@eiu.edu

Education & Training

2005  Ph.D. Genetics, AgroBioInstitute and Higher Attestation Commission, Bulgaria.
1997  M.Sc.  Biotechnology, specialization in Genetic and Cell Engineering, Sofia University, Bulgaria.



  1. T. Parks, Yordanov, Y.S. (2020). Composite plants for a composite plant: an efficient protocol for root studies in the sunflower using composite plants approach. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. (PCTOC) 140, pages647–659. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11240-019-01760-x
  2.  J. Rauschendorfer, Yordanov, Y., Dobrev, P., Vankova, R., Sykes, R., Külheim, C. and Busov, V. (2020) Overexpression of a developing xylem cDNA library in transgenic poplar generates high mutation rate specific to wood formation. Plant Biotechnol. J., 18(6):1434‐1443. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13309
  3. R Bdeir, W Muchero, Y Yordanov, GA Tuskan, V Busov, O Gailing (2019) Genome-wide association studies of bark texture in Populus trichocarpa. Tree genetics & genomes 15 (1), 14 doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11295-019-1320-2
  4. M. Dash, Y.S. Yordanov, T. Georgieva, H. Wei, V. Busov. (2018). Gene network analysis of poplar root transcriptome in response to drought stress identifies a PtaJAZ3PtaRAP2.6-centered hierarchical network. PloS one 13 (12): e0208560
  5. R. Bdeir, W. Muchero, Y. S. Yordanov, G. Tuskan, V. Busov, O. Gailing. (2017). Quantitative Trait Locus mapping of Populus bark features and stem diameter.
    BMC Plant Biology 17:224
  6. Y. S. Yordanov, C. Ma, E. Yordanova, R. Meilan, S. H. Strauss, and V.B. Busov (2017). BIG LEAF is a regulator of organ size and adventitious root formation in poplar. PLOS One, 12: e0180527 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180527
  7. M. Dash, Y. S. Yordanov, T. Georgieva, T. Tschaplinski, E. Yordanova, V. Busov (2017)
     Poplar PtabZIP1-like enhances lateral root formation and biomass growth under drought stress. Plant Journal, 89:692-705
  8. M. Dash, Y.S. Yordanov, T. Georgieva, S. Kumari, H. Wei, V. Busov (2016). A network of genes associated with poplar root development in response to low nitrogen. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 11:e1214792, doi: 10.1080/15592324.2016.1214792
  9. R. Bdeir, V. Busov, Y.S. Yordanov, Y.; O. Gailing (2016) Gene dosage effects and signatures of purifying selection in lateral organ boundaries domain (LBD) genes LBD1 and LBD18. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 302:433-445
  10. M. Dash, Y.S. Yordanov, T. Georgieva, S. Kumari, H. Wei, V. Busov (2015) A systems biology approach identifies new regulators of poplar root development under low nitrogen. The Plant Journal, 84:335-46
  11. Y.S. Yordanov, C. Ma, S.H. Strauss, V.B. Busov (2014) EARLY BUD-BREAK 1 (EBB1) is a regulator of release from seasonal dormancy in poplar trees. PNAS 111: 10001-10006
  12. H. Wei, Y.S. Yordanov, T. Georgieva, H. Zhang, V. Busov. (2013) Nitrogen deprivation promotes Populus root growth through global transcriptome reprogramming and activation of hierarchical genetic networks. New Phytologist 200: 483–497
  13. H. Wei, Y.S. Yordanov, T. Georgieva, H. Zhang, V. Busov. (2013) Genetic networks involved in poplar root response to low nitrogen. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 8: 483-497
  14. D Trupiano, Y Yordanov, S Regan, R Meilan, T Tschaplinski, GS Scippa, V Busov (2013) Identification, characterization of an AP2/ERF transcription factor that promotes adventitious, lateral root formation in Populus. Planta 238:271-282
  15. Y. Chen, Y.S. Yordanov, C. Ma, S. Strauss, and V. B. Busov. (2013) DR5 as a reporter system to study auxin response in Populus. Plant Cell Reports, 32:453-63
  16. H. Wei, J. Gou, Y Yordanov, H. Zhang, R. Thakur, W. Jones, A. Burton. (2013)
    Global Transcriptomic Profiling of Aspen Trees under Elevated [CO2] to Identify Potential Molecular Mechanisms Responsible for Enhanced Radial Growth.
    Journal of Plant Research 26: 305-320
  17. A. Rigal, Y.S. Yordanov, I. Perrone, A. Karlberg, E. Tisserant, C. Bellini, V. B. Busov, F. Martin, A. Kohler, R. Bhalerao, V. Legué. (2012) The AINTEGUMENTA LIKE 1 homeotic transcription factor PtAIL1 controls the formation of adventitious root primordia in Populus. Plant Physiology 60: 1996-2006
  18. Y.S. Yordanov and V. Busov. (2011). Boundary Genes in Regulation and Evolution of Secondary Growth. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 6:688-690.
  19. V. Busov, Y. Yordanov, J. Gou, R. Meilan, C. Ma, S. Regan, and S. Strauss. (2011). Activation tagging is an effective gene tagging system in Populus. Tree Genetics & Genomes  7: 91–101
  20. Y.S. Yordanov, S. Regan, and V. Busov. (2010). Members of the Lateral Organ Boundaries Domain (LBD) Transcription Factors Family are Involved in Regulation of Secondary Growth in Populus. The Plant Cell 22: 3662-3677
  21. Josifovska S., Y. Yordanov., T. Dekova., D. Vasilev., S. Georgiev. AFLP Analysis of the Genetic variability of the sphaerococcum mutant forms in wheat and Triticale, 2010. Genetics and Breeding (BAS), 39: 113-121.
  22. Tsvetkov K., S. Tsvetkov. M. Kitanova, Y. Yordanov, S. Georgiev. Winter poli-rowed barley “Tsvetelina” – an original awnless variety (H. sativum Jess., ssp. Vulgare L., var. dundar – beyi Zhuk). 2010. Genetics and Breeding (BAS), 39: 51-56.
  23. I. Genov, I. Atanassov, I. Tsvetkov, Yordanov Y., A. Atanassov.2006. Genetic diversity of Agrobacterium vitis isolates in Bulgarian assessed by Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences analysis of 16S-23S rRNA. VITIS 45:125-130.
  24. Yordanov Y., H. Hristov, E. Yordanova, I. Atanassov and S. Georgiev. 2005. Using DNA and isozyme markers to study genetic relationship among high regenerative interspecific hybrids of Helianthus eggertii small. X Helianthus annuus L. Biotech & Biotech Eq, 19 (3, Supplement): 27-32
  25. Yordanov Y., I. Atanassov, E.Yordanova, A. Atanassov, S. Georgiev, M. Christov. 2005. Characterization of backcross lines of Helianthus eggertii Small. X Helianthus annuus L possessing different regeneration capacity by DNA and isozyme markers. Biotech & Biotech Eq, 19: 57-62
  26. S. Georgiev, Y. Yordanov, E. Todorovska 2005. Microsatellite studies of the sphaerococcum mutant forms, Biotech & Biotech Eq, 19: 47-51
  27. Y. Yordanov, E. Yordanova, A. Atanassov. 2002. Plant regeneration from interspecific hybrid and backcross progeny of Helianthus eggertii X Helianthus annuus. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 71:7-14.
  28. Е. Yordanova, K. Georgieva, N. Gorinova, Y. Yordanov. 2001. Influence of the herbicide chlortoluron on photosynthetic activity in transgenic tobacco plants.
    Photosynthetica, 39:313-316
  29. D. Djilianov, R. Dragijska, R. Yordanova, D. Dolchinkova, Y. Yordanov & A. Atanassov. 1997. Physiological changes in osmotically stressed detached leaves of alfalfa genotypes selected in vitro. Plant Science, 129:46-51

Frequently Taught Courses

Genetics (BIO3200)
Plant Physiology (BIO3510)
Genomics & Genetic Engineering (BIO5490)