Dr. Frank’s areas of focus include aging in place, residents’ perspectives, Alzheimer's disease and dementia in prison. In 2002 she published The Paradox of Aging in Place in Assisted Living (Greenwood Press), which focused on the residents’ experiences living in two assisted living settings in the Chicagoland area. She has authored several other publications on assisted living and aging in place.
Dr. Frank has been researching different aspects of incarceration for over ten years (including aging in prison, teenagers incarcerated as adults, chronic disease self-management, and hospice care in prison. A selection of her publications are below:
Office Hours Fall 2019
Face to Face: Monday 2:00-4:30 p.m.; Tuesday 10:00 a.m. - noon; Wednesday 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Online/Virtual: Wednesday 8:00-10:00 p.m.; Sunday 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Education & Training
Ph.D. Cultural Anthropology, Northwestern University
Master of Studies in Law (MSL) University of Illinois College of Law
Conference Presentations
Recent Peer Reviewed Conference Presentations:
Frank, J. (2018). Hospice care in prison: Legal, medical, and ethical challenges. 10th InterNational Prisoner’s Family Conference, October 10-12, Dallas, TX,
Frank, J. (2016, May). Rebuilding Parent-Child Relationships for Teenagers Incarcerated as Adults. Conference session presented at the 8th InterNational Prisoner’s Family Conference, May 4-6, Dallas, Texas.
Frank J., Meeks, S. & Greuel, S. (2018). Diabetes self-management in prison: Examining the effect of a national evidence-based program. National Conference on Correctional Health Care, October 20-24, 2018, Las Vegas, NV.
Frank, J. (2018). Aging in Place with Smart Home technology: The tension between privacy and surveillance. Poster presented at the 2018 American Society on Aging National Conference, March 25-29, San Francisco, CA.
Betz-Hamilton, A., J. Frank. (2017). Bridging the Gap: Motivation and Strategies to Effectively Teach Financial Counseling and Planning to Differently Abled Post-Secondary Learners Presented at the 2017 AFCPE® Research & Training Symposium, November 14-16, San Diego, CA.
Invited Presentations:
Frank, J. (2018). Privacy and Aging in Place with Smart Home technology: Considerations for families and the senior housing industry. 11th Annual Mid-American Institute on Aging and Wellness, Evansville, IN, August 8-10, 2018.
Frank, J. (2018). Custody versus care: Challenges of caring for prisoners with dementia. 11th Annual Mid-American Institute on Aging and Wellness, Evansville, IN, August 8-10, 2018.
Frank, J. (2017, August). Aging & Dying in Prison: What Gerontology Professionals Need to Know. 10th Annual Mid-America Institute on Aging and Wellness, University of Evansville, August 9-11, 2017.
Peer Reviewed Publications:
Frank, J. (2018). Dimensions of privacy and aging in place with Smart Home technology: Legal considerations for the senior housing industry. Seniors Housing & Care Journal, 26 (1), 120-129.
Kruger, T.M., Gilland, S., Frank, J., Murphy, B., English, Cl, Meade, J, Morrow, K., Rush, E. (2016). Cross-Cultural comparison of long-term care in the U.S. and Finland: Research done through a short-term Study Abroad experience, Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, DOI: 10.1080/02701960.2016.1232591
Frank, J. & Gill, E. (2015). The negotiated identities of long-term inmates: Breaking the chains of problematic integration. Western Journal of Communication, 79(5), 513-532.
Frank, J. (2010). Anticipatory and disenfranchised grief among dementia family caregivers: helping spouse and adult child caregivers to cope. In Hughes, J., Llyod-Williams,M., & Sachs, G. Supportive Care for the Person with Dementia. Oxford University Press.
Frank, J. (2009). Alzheimer’s and relationships. In H.Ries & S. Sprecher, (eds),. Encyclopedia of Human Relationships, (pp.88-90). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Frank, J. (2008). Evidence for grief as the major barrier faced by Alzheimer caregivers: A qualitative analysis. American Journal of Alzheimer’s disease & Other Dementias. 22(6), 241-253.
Frank, J. (2005). Semiotic use of the word “home” among people with Alzheimer’s disease: A plea for selfhood? In G. D. Rowles & H. Chaudhury (Eds.), Home and Identity in Late life, International Perspectives (pp.171-196). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
Frank, J. (2006). Caring for aging parents: Family relationships, medical care, and the search for a dignified end to life [Review essay of the books: My Mother’s Hip: Lessons from the world of eldercare and Bugs in her tea: An adventure in caregiving. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, (31)1, 219-228.
Frank, J. (2001). How long can I stay?: The dilemma of aging in place in assisted living. Journal of Housing for the Elderly (15), 5-30. (This particular issue of the journal was also co-published as a book titled, Assisted Living: Sobering Realities Haworth Press, 2001.)
Research & Creative Interests
Aging in prison; long-term incarceration; smart home technology and elder privacy.
Professional Affiliations
Gerontological Society of America
American Society on Aging
Association of Anthropology and Gerontology
National Council on Family Relations
National Commission on Correctional Health Care
Correctional Education Association