Edmund F. Wehrle
Frequently Taught Courses Research & Creative Interests Update your profile

Edmund F. Wehrle

Professor Office: 2576 - Coleman Hall
Email: efwehrle@eiu.edu

Frequently Taught Courses

  • HIS 2020: America Since 1877
  • HIS 2500: Historical Research and Writing
  • HIS 3800: US International Relations
  • HIS 4960: Contemporary America
  • HIS 5320: Seminar in US International Relations

Research & Creative Interests

I specialize in the history of American international relations. Much of my research and publications have focused on the efforts of trade unions to organize workers globally, but especially in Southeast Asia. I have written a book on the AFL-CIO’s efforts to mentor Vietnamese trade unions during the second Indochinese War. More recently, I co-wrote a textbook seeking to frame American history in international context. I am currently completing a research project that examines Vietnamese employed by the United States military and associated contractors during the Vietnam War. I teach courses that stress politics, economics, social history, and international relations.