EIU Facilitator for Georgia O'Keeffe Team 
Project WOW
Fall, 2000
"He is a very good teacher and is very nice. He is a good artist. His ideas are very good. He is a big Rusty Wallace and Dale Earnhart fan," by Christopher. 

"He is nice and a very good teacher. He showed us a picture of his dalmation and it is very cute. I learned about Georgia O'Keeffe 
and her famous life as a woman," said Briana. 

"He is a very good teacher and nice. He showed us many paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe's. We all worked good together as a team. He is my favorite teacher," said Taylor. 


EIU Student Steve Wood 

I have really enjoyed Project Wow, the 3rd graders at Carl Sandburg, and learning about Georgia O'Keeffe. The past few months have been full of everlasting memories for me. I hope this webpage will help other children learn a little bit about one of the most amazing female artists of all time. There are many fun activities teachers can use to help teach their children about the importance of Georgia O'Keeffe. I developed cultural, history, and geography lesson plans for my students. Josh, Briana, Chris, and Taylor have paid attention and learned a great deal about Georgia. We were all very thrilled to be able to paint and explore the many things that Georgia gave us. Her New Mexico art is just brilliant. I believe all of Georgia's art conveys a message about truth 
and desire. She had one love and that was nature. I will never forget this experience and 
I can't wait to teach more lessons on this cultural hero, Georgia O'Keeffe.  

                                                         THANK YOU! 
                                                                  STEVE WOOD