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EIU Department of Political Science

EIU Political Science Review

Fall 2012

Steve Anderson - Consolidation of Power: The use of executive orders, proclamations and signing statements during the George W. Bush Presidency


Like other Presidents before him, George W. Bush used his executive authority to craft policy both domestically and internationally.  The author analyzes President Bush's number of executive orders and proclamations, how they affected his scope of authority, and how they were received by Congress.

Steve Anderson Article

Samantha Moore - LGBT Adoptions in the U.S. and South Africa


With the increased commonality of gay relationships, marriages, and unions, there is a growing conversation about the LGBT and their adoption of children.  The purpose of this case study analysis is not to sway your opinion of LGBT adoptions, but instead to examine the recent policy implications for LGBT adoption in the U.S. in comparison to current South African adoption policies.

Samantha Moore Article

Ryan Freer - CIA: The Critical Years


Our foreign policy agenda in the Middle East is attributed to the decisions of the CIA's Director's of Intelligence (DCI) and the President's they served.  The author examines how two DCI's, an a third to a lesser degree, have impacted the agency during their tenures, and how the operations of the CIA in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran in the decades leading up to the attacks of 9/11 culminated in this tragedy.

Ryan Freer Article

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Department of Political Science

Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-2926

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