(3 Semester Hours)
- MAT 1160G,
Mathematics: A Human Endeavor. (3-0-3)
- MAT 1170G,
Problem Solving. (3-0-3)
- MAT 1441G,
Calculus and Analytic Geometry I. (3-0-3)
- MAT 2110G,
Brief Calculus with Applications. (3-0-3)
- MAT 2120G,
Finite Mathematics. (3-0-3)
- MAT 2190G,
Finite Mathematics, Honors. (3-0-3)
- MAT 2250G,
Elementary Statistics. (3-0-3)
- MAT 2290G,
Elementary Statistics, Honors. (3-0-3)
- MAT 2420G,
Introductory Geometry. (3-0-3)
General Education
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