Century of Flight: The Wright Brothers

2003 also marks the 100th anniversary of the Orville and Wilbur Wright�s first successful powered flight. The Wright Brother�s exhibit includes pictures documenting the flight and later achievements by these two men.

The information below supplements the material on display.

Selected Web Sites

        Re-Living the Wright Way - http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/Wright/index.htm

        Centennial of Flight Commission � http://www.centennialofflight.gov/index.cfm

        First Flight Society � http://www.firstflight.org/

        First Flight Centennial Foundation - http://www.firstflightcentennial.org/

        Inventing Flight: Dayton 2003 - http://www.inventingflight.com/

        EAA - http://www.countdowntokittyhawk.org/


Selected books and materials about the Wright Brothers Centennial

        First flight : the Wright brothers and the invention of the airplane / T.A. Heppenheimer.��
Call Number: TL540.W7 H47 2003���

        Wright brothers and the invention of the aerial age / Tom D. Crouch and Peter L. Jakab.
Call Number: TL540.W7 C7824 2003

        First flight : the Wright Brothers and the invention of the airplane / Tom D. Crouch ; foreword by John Glenn.��
Call Number: TL540.W7 C78 2002��

        Wright brothers official map and guide : Wright Brothers National Memorial, North Carolina.��
Call Number: Federal Documents I29.6:W93

        Visions of a flying machine : the Wright brothers and the process of invention / Peter L. Jakab.��
Call Number: TL670.5 .J35 1990

        The Bishop's boys : a life of Wilbur and Orville Wright / Tom D. Crouch. ��
Call Number: TL540.W7 C76 1990x

        Wright brothers, by Fred C. Kelly, a biography authorized by Orville Wright.
Call Number: TL540.W7 K4

        Wright brothers' engines and their design [by] Leonard S. Hobbs.
Call Number: TL515 .S5

        Wilbur & Orville Wright [videorecording] : dreams of flying.
Call Number: Video Cassettes - 4000 LevelTL540.W7
W73 1996x .VID

        Wright brothers, pioneers of American aviation. [Spoken Word Recording]��
Library Location: Vinyl Recordings - 4000 Level
Call Number: HE2751.T6 X.LP


Juvenile Books dealing with the Wright Brothers

        Take me out to the airfield! : How the Wright brothers invented the airplane / Robert Quackenbush��
Ballenger Teachers' Center Juvenile Books - 3000 Level North
Call Number: 629.13 Q21T

        To fly : the story of the Wright brothers / by Wendie Old ; illustrated by Robert Andrew Parker.
Ballenger Teachers' Center Juvenile Books - 3000 Level North
Call Number: 920 W931old

        Wright Bros. : wings that warp!
Ballenger Teachers' Center Stacks - 3000 Level North
Call Number: TL540.W7 W75 2001x

        Wright brothers : how they invented the airplane / Russell Freedman.��
Ballenger Teachers' Center Juvenile Books - 3000 Level North
Call Number: 629.13 F875W

        Wright brothers, pioneers of American aviation.��
Ballenger Teachers' Center Juvenile Books - 3000 Level North
Call Number: 920 W931R

        Wright brothers : first to fly / Madge Haines and Leslie Morrill ; illustrated by Lee J. Ames.��
Ballenger Teachers' Center Juvenile Books - 3000 Level North
Call Number: 920 W931M��

        Wright brothers; kings of the air, by Mervyn D. Kaufman. Illustrated by Gray Morrow.
Ballenger Teachers' Center Juvenile Books - 3000 Level North
Call Number: 920 W934K

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