Elizabeth J. Stephens

Email: ejstephens2@eiu.edu
Email: ejstephens2@eiu.edu


Hello, my name is Elizabeth Stephens and I am a junior at Eastern Illinois University and a columnist for The Daily Eastern News. I have experience as a reporter and fell in love with writing columns because of my ability to be more personal with the readers. In my columns I enjoy giving motivation, reflecting on experiences and questioning the norms of society. When I'm not in class I enjoy reading classic books from authors such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, exercising, singing, and traveling. I chose Eastern because I graduated in Charleston and was already familiar with and loved the campus. I originally came to Eastern as a vocal music major and accidentally fell in love with journalism in a class that was intended to simply be a political science credit. Before I knew it I decided to switch my major to journalism and developed a passion for reporting, politics, history of journalism and why journalism matters today. ejstephens2@eiu.edu