Dr. Marko Grünhagen
Introduction Education & Training Research & Creative Interests

Dr. Marko Grünhagen

Professor of Marketing & Lumpkin Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship Office: 4002 - Lumpkin Hall
Phone: 217-581-6906
Email: mgrunhagen@eiu.edu
Website: https://castle.eiu.edu/~marko/


Dr. Marko Grünhagen received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He serves as Professor of Marketing and the Lumpkin Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship. His research interest lies in the broader area of small business marketing and retailing in an international context. Specifically, much of his research has focused on the franchise business model for the past 20+ years of his career.

Dr. Grünhagen is a globally recognized leader on franchising research with a long history of academic publications in premier marketing and business journals. He has been ranked among the Top-10 researchers globally on franchising in emerging markets.

Education & Training

1994 Vordiplom, Universität zu Köln, Germany

1995 M.B.A., Eastern Illinois University, USA

1999 Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

Research & Creative Interests

     Dr. Grünhagen serves as Associate Editor for the "Franchising and Small Business Marketing" area of the Journal of Small Business Management, and has been a Co-Editor of several special issues on franchising of the Journal of Retailing, Journal of Small Business Management and the Journal of Marketing Channels. He is also Past President and Honorary Advisor to the Board of the International Society of Franchising (ISoF), the premier global association of academic researchers with a focus on franchising. Dr. Grünhagen has also been Chair of the ISoF annual conference in 2009 and 2013, and Chair of the Office Depot Small Business Research Forum. Dr. Grünhagen's research has been recognized through a "Best Paper Award" by ISoF, and twice through the Arthur S. Karp Award for the "Best Applied Research Paper on Franchising" by the Educational Foundation of the International Franchise Association (IFA).
      Dr. Grünhagen's research has been published or accepted by numerous academic journals such as the Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Macromarketing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Small Business Management, Journal of Economic Psychology and the Journal of Marketing Channels. He has been quoted as an expert on franchising by global news outlets such as Entrepreneur Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The China Business Journal and National Public Radio (NPR), and he has been invited to present his research across six continents in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe and North and South America.