Dr. David K. Smith
My EIU Story

Dr. David K. Smith

Professor Office: 3735 - Coleman Hall
Email: dksmith@eiu.edu

My EIU Story

I acknowledge and honor the Traditional Owners and Elders, past and present, of the lands on which Eastern Illinois University operates, people who cultivated the land and used the resources of this borderland region: the Peewaareews (Peoria), Kaahkaahkia (Kaskaskia), Peeyankihšiaki (Piankashaw), Waayaahtanwa (Wea), Myaamiaki (Miami), Mascoutin, Odawa (Ottawa), Sauk (Othâkîwa), Meshkwahkihaki (Mesquaki), Kiwikapawa (Kickapoo), Bodéwadmi (Potawatomi), Anishinaabe (Ojibwa), Mamaceqtaw (Menomonee), and HoocÄ…k-waaziija-hači (Winnebago) peoples.  Telling the stories of those first peoples is an obligation the present owes to both the past and the future.