Rev. Betzy C. Elifrits Warren
Introduction Education & Training Frequently Taught Courses

Rev. Betzy C. Elifrits Warren

English Instructor Office: 3037 - Coleman Hall
Phone: 217-348-8191


Fall 2022 Office Hours: Mondays and Thursdays, 2:00-3:00 p.m.

I am the Campus Minister/Director at the EIU Wesley Foundation, in addition to serving as an adjunct instructor with the English department. I can be reached at the Wesley Foundation most of the time, or at my Coleman office by appointment.

Education & Training

B.A. in English with Secondary Education Licensure, Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa

M.A. in English, University of Tennessee-Knoxville

M.Div., Duke University Divinity School

Frequently Taught Courses

ENG 1002