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EIU Spiritual Pluralism and Selfless Service

Type: Service
Membership Types: EIU Students/Faculty/Other


The purpose of this organization is 1) to advocate spiritual pluralism by providing students with opportunities for spiritual growth which deepen respect, tolerance, and understanding. We hope to be an outlet for both individuals in search of meaning and purpose in their lives, and for those who wish to actively encourage the faith and spiritual search of others. We intend to cultivate a perspective that affirms the legitimacy and essential truth of all spiritual paths, while recognizing the right of every individual to follow and love the path they choose for themselves; 2) to provide opportunities for individuals to practice selfless service through a variety of philanthropic events. These service projects will be indiscriminate, and we hope that people from all cultures, religions, and backgrounds can join in unconditionally serving others. Prospective projects include a soup kitchen, gardening/sustainability projects, organizing and celebrating  religious/spiritual holidays, etc. Service provides a valuable opportunity for individuals to step outside of themselves, allowing them to develop spiritually into more compassionate, selfless, and loving human beings. Selfless service in particular implies that we do not view service as “more is better,” and we do not serve to be viewed as generous. Rather than focusing on “doing good,” we want to focus on being good without any expectation of reward or recognition. We judge our service by the intention and unconditionality behind it—to what extent we can take ourselves out of the equation. It is for this purpose of helping individuals better themselves that we establish this organization. Out of principle, everything hosted and provided by this organization will always be free and inclusive of both the university and city communities. This aspect will coincide with the advocacy of spiritual pluralism and tolerance as we provide many service opportunities that allow members to educate themselves and others on various approaches to living a meaningful, mindful, and healthy holistic lifestyle.

Meeting Times

TBD (likely off-campus at property if acquired)

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Jaysinha S Shinde Advisor jsshinde@eiu.edu 2175818308