Meet the Rachel Carson Team!





EIU Facilitator: Anastasia Dillman
 Hello!  I am a senior Elementary Education major with a concentration in history.  I have had many experiences working with children, and project WOW! has definitely been one of the best!  The third graders were so eager to learn and explore, and I feel that our team, especially myself, will have much to take away with us from our work together.  We learned about an amazing woman, Rachel Carson, who helped to make our world a safe place for all life.  Though people discouraged her from overstepping her boundaries as a woman, Rachel Carson persevered as one of the few female scientists of her time. She alone, through her eloquent writing in Silent Spring, rose to warn the world of the dangerous chemicals being poured into our Earth.
    I truly enjoyed working with the children and applaud all of their hard work.  I am especially proud of the effort they put forth to create the website.  It is amazing what can be accomplished when you work together!

Interesting Facts  Time and Place Achievements Leader of Today
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